L'endroit parfait (The Perfect Place)
Hello and welcome to our final action project. For urban planning during this term we have been learning about how people create and decide what is good urban planning versus what is bad urban planning. We got to speak to people who work in the front lines of that. We got see what goes through their mind. For this action project we had to chose a city from anywhere in the world and then we had to chose a small street to figure out their bad urban planning and then create good urban planning. I decided to recreate a popular street in Bordeaux France called Rue Sainte Catherine.
lots of shops and restaurants
On a very popular street
Tourist attraction
Weakness: crowded
Tight space
Dull in color
Not a lot of greener
What I am hoping to change is about this street is it’s space. There is little to no space and it usually is very crowded. I thought that because there are businesses here I could open up the space to invite more people to these stores. I wanted to add seating and some greenery to make more of a friendly space.
What I am hoping to change is about this street is it’s space. There is little to no space and it usually is very crowded. I thought that because there are businesses here I could open up the space to invite more people to these stores. I wanted to add seating and some greenery to make more of a friendly space.
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