Say Cheese!

Welcome to my first action project for the winter semester. In our STEAM class called light, sound and time. In this class we have been working on physics. We have learned about how light works having to do with waves and particles. We did an experiment with lamps in which we split up into groups and we all got lamps that produced different levels of heat then we put chocolate under the lamp for 5 minutes. We then checked the temperature to see how hot it got and it was interesting to see that lamps have different heat levels and some lamps can even cause damage. Overall we have been working on How light works. For my Action Project I have created a camera out of a box in order the create an image then after I did this I went to Truman college to get the photos developed.

In conclusion this Action project had been a journey. Creating the camera was very fun and I enjoyed the process, but when I got to the math it was very hard and I had to learn how to relate my camera experiment to the math. I realized that I was only supposed to leave the shutter open for 5 minutes. I tried three times and the third photo came out exactly how I wanted. Overall this was a good experience and I hope other people try it out.


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