No More Diabites

In Cure class we have been working on medicaments, medicine and treatments. We have been learning about the differences between a cure and a treatment. We learned that a cure stops the root cause of a disease and a treatment stops the symptoms of this disease. We also learned about medication that can be otc, prescription, unregulated or even illegal. In this AP we had to chose a disease and then symptoms for that disease we had to create a medication box. In class we did an experiment where we took foods that where sour and we tried them. Of course they where sour as I suspected. then we took the miracle berry which is supposed to make your sour scences tourn off so that you can only taste the sweet in foods. After we took the mirachle berry we noticed that everything became really sweet . This process reminded me of the  lock and key method because it stoped the brain from reciving those sour taste buds much like medicine stops the brain from reciving pain. In my project I have cited three different types of medication and they are all like the lock and key method. It never really cures you, but it stops the symptoms. We learned in class that many medication use this method including your most used brands like Tylenol. Tylenol helps for pain relief, let’s say a headache and you think it’s reliving your pain, but it’s really just sending signals to your brain to not feel that pain anymore. If you think abut it this never solves the problem it only covers up the symptoms as a posed to a cure that will just wipe out everything  

In conclusion I think that this project helped me see that there are many different types of medicaments because I had to chose a prescription an OTC medicine and an unregulated medication for diabetes. It was hard trying to find the chemical compound for these medications. When I found them it was really fun to put it all together as if I was making a box for it. I will also say it really helped to have people come in for this unit to explain how medication works.


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