Peaceful protest act
In global peace this semester we worked on being engaged in our community and learning how to conduct nonviolent actions and also how to be helpful to others that need it the most.
Sharon Holmes
Global Peace
14 January 2019
My Peaceful Act
The problem that I was acting on was the fact that many young girls are not able to dance and follow their passion because of the neighborhood they live in and the little to no money they have. I believe this is structural violence and a little bit of direct violence because the neighborhood in which these kids live stops them from being able to travel to different places because there is so much violence. Also, this would be structural violence because these kids do not have enough money to be able to take dance lessons. This conflict is happening because the kids parents don't have enough money to live somewhere else where the kids could walk outside to go to dance. Also, these parents probably have low income jobs that do not provide enough for extra curricular activities. On the Ladder Of Tolerance. I would place myself on respect because I think that I recognize other people’s issues and problems. The issue would be at restriction on the Ladder Of Tolerance because they are not being allowed equal access to what they need, let alone extra activities.
The current group I found is the Usagain Foundation that people can donate clothes that people don't wear anymore. It will be sent off to people who need clothing. So instead of donating regular clothes I thought I’d donate dance clothes for those who need them. Additionally, I am going to do is teach a free dance class for anyone who would like to come. Then, I am going to collect dance clothes and give them to the us again foundation.
From the 198 nonviolent actions I chose to do a nonviolent occupation because I am proving a point by donating clothes, to kids but I am also doing it non violently. This action is relevant to my specific issue because the fact of a nonviolent occupation is something that someone would do nonviolently, and I am donating dance clothes to kids so it is a nonviolent occupation. The action that I am doing relates to Sarvodaya which is one of Gandhi's nonviolent actions. Sarvodaya means the uplifting of all and I am following this rule because I am trying to uplift all people who don't have the resources to dance. When I was doing this presentation, I felt good about myself because it felt like I was being able to make people happy by at least providing dance clothes for people to do what they love. I learned that little kids are really determined when it comes to the things they really like to do, and they work harder than those who do have the money to pay for classes.
In conclusion, I believe that every child deserves to be able to follow their passion whether that’s dance or any other curricular activities because the children are our future and their future shouldn’t be stopped because they don't have the money for it. Also, I think my experiment was just something little but I hope this can allow others to see this and mabey do bigger things like providing safe transportation and money for these kids to dance and also free dance lessons.
Works Cited
Dolor, L.I. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, 1998. Print.
Dolor, L.I. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh. New York: Columbia UP, 1998. Print.
Doe, R. John. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh, 1998. Print.
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